I took a double take when looking through the paper last week, I spotted my childhood teddy!
In an article 'can't live without' Jason Dundas writes he inherited Brown Ted from his sisters. Now his Brown Ted just hangs out in his room, kinda like mine.
Oh wow! Now I've done a double-take on your post because this is also my childhood teddy, whose name was, well, Ted. I still have him too.
how sweet! I wonder where my teddy is now ... :)
Cute times three.
OH Teddy love love Teddy! Hurray for Teddies!
so sweet!
My teddy is sitting nicely at my parent's house - and I won't lie, cuddling him again is always a highlight when I visit home!
this is so lovely!
i lost one of my childhood teddies while travelling, i wish i still had him..
Yay, Teddies revisited! How sweet to spot him! mine was very seventies! Pale Pink with white paws and nose, and I loved him dearly,
Sarah x
Wonderful post!
how cute! i love that little pic of you and your teddy - ADORABLE!! : )
He looks a good cuddle, your Ted. Jason's Ted looks as though he looks a bit put out about the '2' on his tummy.
That is so funny! I think that you and ted look so happy together - he is a lucky boy
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