I've been meaning to join along with Pip's new meme, My Place & Yours for sometime now. This afternoon I found some time to take some photos and although a little late here it is.
On my shelf:: suggested by the sweet and super clever Pip here is the top of my dinning cabinet on which I shelve my little collection of wine labels with the bottles still attached. Space permits how far this collection gets.
Bedside:: suggested by the super talented word-smith Potty Mouth Mama, my bedside table keeps a pile a unread, half-read magazines ready for me to browse to help unwind from the day.
Can't wait to hear Ninon's suggestion for next week! Thank you for hosting Pip!!
I'm not quite sure why everybody’s bedside table looks so much more inviting than mine. Possibly something to do with a dangerously teetering pile of half-read/unread books...
Please marry me. Frank can come too. All my love. Peep. x
nice that you alre playing along too!
oh ive been meaning to join too, but im always so slack with anything that involves taking my own picks.
your shelves look so nice. love the cats!
It's just the top of your shelf but I'm already loving it.
Hi Angela!
I am so jealous of you. How do you keep your bedside table so uncluttered?
The shelf with your wine bottle collection is certainly enhanced by those two little kitty cats.
They are very cute!
Thanks for sharing.
what a nice bedside table..oh frankie..don't we just love you
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