A practical guide to the fulfilment of your dreams wouldn't be complete without a chapter on The Law Of Karma.
Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind... what we sow is what we reap.

Sometimes I try to have Karma work for me. Case in point...
When I'm getting my tax accounts ready for the accountant I use heart post it notes and heart paper clips. If I love my tax, my tax will love me! It's Karma!
Thank you Kirsty for your On My Desk-ness!
Are those paper clips from kikki.k? I love them!
Great idea. I love it! I love my tax, my tax will love me. I love my tax, my tax will love me. Yep, I have a new mantra.
Brilliant! I'm going to try that at work...I'm always getting "love notes" from the tax department I'm sure that they'd like a bit O love back.
Maybe I should try that one out with my accountant...it couldn't heart to try!
Oh I agree...we get what we give, and it's when we keep getting something we don't like that it takes a bit of mirror looking (or a good honest friend) to see our own part in it. I remember hearing...If you can spot it, you've got it (or possibly had it).
n.b...this works for the good stuff too!
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