Sunday, June 06, 2010


I've only myself to blame for ignorantly believing that my iPhone camera wasn't a 'real' camera therefore you couldn't possibly take photography seriously from a phone camera but after discovering a new underground movement of iPhoneographanatic's I stand corrected!

Take Melbournian iPhone photographer Misho Baranovic for instance, the images above have all be taken from his iPhone and are without a doubt just as artistic and inspiringly beautiful as those taken from any SLR camera.

With this new awareness I think I will be taking my little phone camera a little more seriously and I will be keeping an open mind (and eye) when out and about in Melbourne in future.


muchlove said...

oh wow, such stunning photos from a small device!

Sarah Miller said...

yeah I love my iphone... pretty much all the photos on my blog are from my iphone! so handy!

teddybearswednesday said...

wow these are amazing Angela! xo

~L~ said...

I love love love taking photos with my iphone camera. And all the apps out there to edit don't hurt either. The newest iphone even has an improved camera.

Cath @ chunkychooky said...

....but are they edited on photoshop?

Kirsty said...

These are wonderful. I've had a ball with the hipstamatic app & will now have a more serious crack at taking decent shots.

Knox Bronson said...

I curate the site and the rule is: no computer editing (I check suspicious pics in an EXIF reader) ... but any editing on the iPhone is allowed and there are lots and lots of iPhone photo apps. Thank you for the mention!
Misho does beautiful work and has a piece in our current gallery show in Oakland.

Anonymous said...

Stunning! I have to admit that I've been with you on the iphone for photos but perhaps I just need to try a little harder (and upgrade to a 3GS)!

dorothybills..... said...

I'm loving using mine now too, that hipstamatic is very addictive!

Unknown said...

These are great. I have been wondering about the whole iphone thing. It reminds me of the short film that one tropfest one year.

misako mimoko said...

Wow!! Just great!!

Anonymous said...

Photo no.4 is just stunning.I find it hard to believe that these photos weren't taken 50 years ago.

Margit said...

They are just so cool - and hei stop by my giveaway if you like :)

Cookie Cutter said...

I think I'll have to take back all the times I said my iPhone camera is crap. These are beautiful!

Anonymous said...
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Little Jane St said...

Wow! These are amazing!!

Sherrin said...

Wow. I think I stand corrected too!

Sherrin said...

Back again! You just inspired my blog post for today... I trawled back to some forgotten iphone pics, and was pleasantly surprosed- so thankyou!

myf said...

an iphone camera is certainly more conspicuous than a chunky SLR.
the issue with taking pics of strangers is privacy laws though-
you are supposed to get the people in the photos to sign press release forms in order to display the images.

Ma Belle Paris said...

oh my gosh... i just love these photographs, square format is my favourite to work in.