I still haven't quite worked out how tumblr works, I joined up tonight but I think it's going to take me a bit of playing around before I announce my tumblr address. I'm really inspired by Oh Sweet Woods tumblr's page and I love the online photos (above) she collects.
Tumblr, I think it's a mini blog?! Do you have a Tumblr?
Photo credits: top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left.
yes, I have a tumblr! Come see me at http://pastelcrayons.tumblr.com/ :)
I use it mainly to bookmark images. It can get pretty addictive!
omg, i am ADDICTED to tumblr. it's terrible (in that it eats up all my time), but so so good. it's just image blogging, and really easy - no need for as much uploading/layout stuff as blogspot. (i must admit i've been terrible neglectful of blogger as a result). But i love getting a lovely layout/pinboard of images then taking screenshots - instant inspiration collages! mine's www.tessebony.tumblr.com and my old one: www.abeautifulcalamity.blogspot.com Let me know your address when you're ready and i'd love to follow you! xx
ps - weird that you post this now, as i was just working on a blog post called: 'tumblr, i love you (but you're bring me down)'. I just can't work out how to make the screenshots upload in a decent visible size. grr! x
oops, i meant www.abeautifulcalamity.tumblr.com (the second one). so many online things to remember/get confused with these days!
typo number three:
'tumblr, i love you (but your'e BRINGING me down'.
eep, it's not my night!
Tumbling photos is absolutely addictive if you don't watch out. I've slowed down a bit with posting images but for a couple of days there I was going hog wild.
I have a Tumblr to bookmark images I like so they don't take up space on my hard drive. It's called "Darling Days": http://darlingdays.tumblr.com
I also have a music Tumblr where I post a bunch of audio and video of music I like. It's called "Voluumes": http://voluumes.tumblr.com
wow.. thats really weird i just found your blog today... and i started up a tumblr last night too! anyways yeah, i am still kinda confused by it as well... but im pretty sure you just post up pictures. you can follow me if you want :) mine is rachaelrosey.tumblr.com
I also have a Tumblr blog - with which I'm not quite familiar yet. I'm still wondering if people are able to comment or reblog. So far no one has but it could of course be because no one particularly likes my photos. :-)
Mine is http://konfetti.tumblr.com/
jette- i looked at your tumblr and i am following you... but i couldnt find where to comment on your photos! so that might be why.. maybe a different layout with comment buttons would help? your pictures were pretty though :)
I thought it might something like that. I've looked around but haven't been able to figure out if it's possible to change it - with that particular layout. I love that but perhaps I need to find another. Thank you for your response and kind words about my photos (which are all mine but... :-))
as far as I am aware you can't comment on people's tumblr posts without reblogging the photo yourself and adding your thoughts as a caption? that's one of the big downfalls of tumblr i think, even though i do love using it!!
I'm still working out how to use flickr properly!!!!
You will LOVE tumblr! It's so simple once you get the hang of it.. then you'll become addicted!
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