Monday, June 08, 2009

found on the street

I can't help myself!! I'm heart obsessed!


Tania said...

Yep - and you have me obsessively seeing 'em everywhere too. Amazing how much hearty goodness there is around and about if you are prepared to look!

Unknown said...

That is adorable! I must admit I don't really pay enough attention when I'm out on the road. This is so cute!

muchlove said...

cute!! I'm very heart-obsessed too. I saw a cloud shaped like one once :)

Juddie said...

Lovely, Angela!

I've added a few pics to the 'Fortuitous Heart' Flickr pool this evening as well. I love the pool - it makes me smile!

(I'm registered as Uedagirl in Flickr - Ueda was the name of the town I lived in in Japan).