Heading up to the local fruit & veg shop today to buy tonight's dinner ingredients I had a flashback to earlier this year when I tried Leek for the first time. I remembered thinking "Leek, where have you been all my life"! It was an expected nice tasty savoury surprise.
On the dinner table tonight was
Chicken, Leek & Risoni Soup
1 teaspoon oil
1 leek, sliced
1 chicken breast fillet, thinly sliced
4 cups chicken stock
1/3 cup risoni or other small pasta
1 tablespoon flat-leaf parsley, chopped
sea salt and cracked black pepper
Heat the oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add the leek and chicken. Cook for 2 minutes Add the stock and pasta. Cook for 8 minutes or until the pasta is al dente. Stir through the parsley, salt and pepper. Serves 2.
I think for 'This Is' next week I would like to suggest a theme - "This is... a favourite recipe I would like to share".
Photo credits: 1. Leek, blue cheese and zebra tomato quiches, 2. Potato and Leek Soup, 3. Project 2/366 Porree-leek
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Yum that sounds absolutely delicious. Thanks for the recipe!
Congratulations on the I Love Your Blog award! I agree with Kath, I love your blog and love seeing what's new on it. If you get a chance pop past my blog as I have a giveaway. :)
MMMM that soups sounds so yum!! I will definetly have to try it, as I love Leek ( so sweet) and soup and pasta! Yay!
It's really good in egg too with yellow capsicum. Great to have you back.
leek wrapped with delicious ham and a creamy sauce, miam....a delicious recipe...
You ate leeks for the first time this year ?? so many leeks to catch up on.. speaking of catching up, how are you sunshine ? me not so good good... c'est la vie.. seen A at all ?
T xx
Ooh yummy, will try this recipe! Leek is one of my favorites, I always put it in risotto. Yum!
Leek,It is one of those veg you can put in about anything!! Great flavour..
oh lovely pics!
the first time i ever tried leek was not long after moving to London. It's an English staple really.
picture the coldest winter ever, and tucking into a deliciously warming leek gratin.
mmm... my mouth is watering at the thought!
Leeks can be so delicate...a nice sounding soup and one my dil will prob like, once she triples it or quadruples it. ;-)
sorry im not sure if i have done this right... but this is the link to my this is... (still new to this...)http://seven-butterflies.blogspot.com/2008/11/this-is-recipe-i-made-lastnight.html
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