Today's archived drawing is from a class outing to The Melbourne Royal Zoo back in 1999.
This poor guy was being laughed at and teased by a group of school boys. He looked so sad and affected by all the taunting. I sat and tried to capture his sadness in the amount of time I could. Poor little one! Every time I look at this drawing it just brings back the feelings I felt for him.
Beautiful. You captured it well.
you captured it well. I can feel his sadness. :o( (I can't help but feel pissed off that boys would taunt a creature behind bars, and one that can obviously understand.)
Oh you did capture his sadness - very moving.
i think this illustrates one of the many reasons I don't like zoos.
I think you captured it perfectly. It's a great drawing.
That is beautiful and moving.
so sad..
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