Sunday, May 11, 2008

this is... what reminds me of my mum

1. Moroccan Vintage!, 2. Potato Rainbow, 3. Snoozing Lucy Series - 3/11, 4. Scouting for Badges, 5. Days of our Lives (9/4/06), 6. Out and About

Inspired be this talented lady here I logged into Mosaic Maker and created my own Mothers Day Mosaic.

Happy Mother's Day Mum!!


boobook said...

looks as thow we were both had to sit through the same show!!

boobook said...

that comment makes no sence!
I guess that happens when your eating watching BB08 and typing and singing at the same time!

Kirsty said...

I love that handbag - it reminds me of my mum too.

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Thanks for the link to mosiac maker - that is something I have been wanting to know how to do! Happy Mothers Day!

Veronica said...

Days of Our Lives! So funny, I remember Mum watching that in the early afternoon when I was a kid! I would say Coronation Street would remind me of my Mum more now. Oh how I hated that show as a teenager!

Ive missed the last two "this is" themes, been away and this week, just forgot until now! Will get back into it this week, look forward to finding out the theme.

Have a good week.

Lindsay said...

What a great mosaic! And thank you so much for the recommendation to Mosaic Maker! You're the best!

Kitty said...

ooh, I like the potato rainbow.

meetmeatmikes said...

Your mum is nice. I have met here and she really is very nice. But not at all like a potato. I can see where your niceness comes from. (not from potatoes)

Big Sumo said...

Thanks for using 'Snoozing Lucy'. She was a beautiful dog. So gentle and giving. Sadly no longer with us. Though seeing people using her shot for others makes us remember her!


Stacey said...

Days of Our Lives! Yes!
This makes me think of my Mum doing the ironing on days when I would be home sick from school (this only ever happened about twice as we had to be near death's door to be allowed to stay home).

Hila said...

This is so sweet and lovely :)
Can I join "this is" too?
Great blog!