Thursday, May 08, 2008

cereal box

I remembered the other day that I met a woman about 10 years ago who won a House & Land Package from sending in an entry form found on the side of a cereal box. I then remembered how I also knew someone who won $50, 000 from a $1 scratchie.

I remembered all this after I received a letter in the mail for a competition to Win a Trip to New York. All I had to do was to write in 25 words or less why I wanted to go to New York. I threw it away thinking no-one ever wins these things...

Photo & Image Credit: The Beehive.


Michelle said...

Ouch! Are you going to fish it out of the bin?

Bridget Farmer said...

I knew a girl who won so many of those "in 50 words say why you want ......." competitions that she was banned from them!

you should have seen the size of her telly that she had won in a previous competition!

go! fish it out! go to new york!

good luck.

Jogirl said...

Ha this is funny, but you know what people do win them, I am living proof, I have won, diamonds, a car, $20 grand, a $15 thousand dollar trip to the Maldives, a "worst backyard competition" backyard makeover, a replica titanic villeroy boch dinner set and the list goes on, so go bin diving and enter girl!

Anja said...

Wel I never win anything... but hope is what counts.... and the thrill while waiting for announcement of the winner
:o) (never mind the downcast) ;o)

Oh and thank you for adding me on the blog roll and for letting me play along.

flossy-p said...

One of my day jobs is to judge competitions like that for a high profile company. I can give you some tips if you like:
1. Don't assume it doesn't matter what you write. By law we have to read every entry and choose the ones we think are the best. So writing "I don't care I just want to win" won't work.
2. Most of the entries all say the exact same things. I look for ones that are different, personal, and/or clever or funny. It shows you've put a bit more thought into it.
3. Use punctuation. You'd be surprised how many people don't. It makes entries so difficult to read.
4. Stick to the word limit. I have to carefully count entries, and have had to knock back some possible winners because they were 1 word over :(
5. Answer the question given, not something completely random.

We don't give away trips to NY, and I've never won anything either, but hopefully you will one day :)

(p.s. WTF Jogirl!!!)

Lexi:: PottyMouthMama said...

Dig it out! Enter! I have converted myself - heck someone has to win those things! Back in the days when I was working in PR we organised a national competition (it was worth arounfd $25k - trip to NYC, spending money, day spa etc) and only 50 people entered!! YOu have to love those odds!

Lexi:: PottyMouthMama said...

Oh - AND thanks for adding me to the THIS IS blog roll! x

Lois said...

I agree with the other bloggers. Go find it and enter!
Last October, just 2 days after my 35th wedding anniversary, I won a trip to Dominican Republic through our local radio station. And I never ever win anything!
So never say never cause it could happen to you to!

Kathy said...

Love, that image. Write the letter, someone always wins!