Monday, April 14, 2008

vintage pillowcases

I'm excited about The Week of Pillowcases hosted by Kootoyoo's Kirsty over at Mikes this week. I've always loved this photo I found in a back issue of Frankie magazine. I'm always looking out for such pretty vintage pillowcases when I'm scouring the op shops but I've never found them. One day it will happen! and you will be the first to know about it : )


Maureen Reynolds said...

I have looked for sheets (for my massage table) and the odd pillowcase, but they must go somewhere since they are almost never in thrift stores here. The only ones I usually have found are the old synthetic ones which will never decompose imho. yuck.

Kirsty said...

I'll look forward to seeing that treasure when you do find it.