I had to cheat a little today as I couldn't take a photo of a plane. What scares me is flying, this is a primary reason why I have never made it overseas. I'm willing to conquer this and I do intend to fly overseas some day very soon. For now I have to see what the world looks like via google.
I would like to ask Leah from hyena in petticoats to finish the sentence 'this is...' for next weeks theme.
This is... a great idea! So many things scare me - I need to try and narrow it down!
Thanks for a great blog (I hope you don't mind that I linked you :) I love what you do!)
ooh, I try not to think about it. The things that scare us are amazing - I am having so much fun checking them all out.
I know how you feel. I get nauseous every time I get on a plane. I've never flown further than 3 hours from home....
Angela. As you know, I don't like to fly much either. With past experience that includes evacuating down the emergency chute at London's Heathrow, it is a nervous venture every time I set foot on a plane... Conquer it if you can, the results are well worth the effort.
Oh but how else can you come over for a cup of coffee???I do hope you will beat this fear of flying!xoxo
ohhh yes - something you definetely have to conquer one day but I guess blogs help make the world a smaller place!
Well, this one thing I'm not scared of (luckily!), but I'm scared of a lot of things! See my blog for my "this is what scares me". Have nice sunday!
Thank goodness for google!
You can jet around the global at lightening fast speed!
tsk tsk i wanted to join "this is..." i guess it's too late now.
oh well. i love the fave cup bit. :)
I am also scared of flying, well it isnt so much when we are in the air but take-off and landing seems to do it for me. I usually end up holding Alex hand.
Glad I'm not the only one.......
You could always cruise...
One of my sister's had a flying phobia too..she took a course of valium first, then decided she wanted a more practical approach and took a 'fear of flying course'. She has now been traveling every year for the last five years now and loving it...very rewarding and so inspirational...
i've joined the fun of "This is..."
just haven't decided what fear i feel like sharing with the great internet world
Love the this is idea soo much!!!
This weeks theme was hard... couldn't think of something that truely scared me! But it's fun to look around what everybody puts on their blogs!
How terrible that you are scared of flying...! Must be hard... I love flying actually hee hee...
Have a nice day and thank you for this GREAAAT idea!
Good luck for your OS trip - just don't look out the window!
Cool image of a plane though, even if it does remind you of what scares you!
what a fun idea. i'm scared of elevators and the dark.
The thought of that first Bloody Mary helps get me on the plane. Imagine how you will feel when you get to your destination and the flight is done and dusted...Good luck
i'd love to join "this is". just read it will be collections. will check back on sunday.
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