I have just bought myself an owl soap dish from this etsy seller here. I think it could go towards my somehow-without-me-realising it owl collection. It's strange how collections can do that, begin without you really knowing.
I'm excited to say that Leah has suggested 'This is... my collection' for our Sunday post. Visit Leah's blog for a great description of what she would like to see! I can't wait!
what a gorgeous little owl! I am guessing we will see a few owl collections come Sunday. :o)
owls are good to collect!
ooh eee.. this is a topic i must join :)
give me a star already dr white...i'm part of this game too you know...
fun! I'll be playing!
hi Angela, there is an exhibition 'anthology' on at gallery 101 (101 Collins st) at the moment (until 28 June). Heather Shimmen, a printmaker whom I know, has an artist's book in the exhibition with an owl print on it. If you're in the city do pop by.
x Amelia
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