Monday, October 15, 2007

fun filled fanciful folly

I had a wonderful weekend! On Saturday I met up with Allison for a day of adventure. On the way to meeting Allison in the city I noticed a Garage Sale sign on a church so as soon as we met we were back on the tram heading towards the church. We discussed the possible downfall of going to church garage sale together as we would want the same things but as luck (or divine intervention) would have it the set of vintage xmas lights that we both swooned over became two sets of vintage lights once untangled! We both walked away with some vintage children and craft books and after 30 seconds of persuasion I bought a gorgeous red chest for $30. A perfect size should I go a round of hide n seek anytime soon.

And I received a cute little holly hobby bag from Allison which I adore! Thank you Allison!! Later that evening my sweet man made me a yummy chilli prawn salad. Lucky me!! Then we were off to see a jazz band with the singer being this vampy lady.

Then Sunday was an early breakfast date with friends : )


Kirsty said...

Ooooh, lucky you - how good is ST Ali?

Hyena In Petticoats said...

That trunk is amazing..... there's nothing more satisfying than having a brilliant second-hand day......
I must get my Thrifted Tuesday shoes back on......


Angela said...

ST Ali is amazing! I highly recommend the French Toast (Yum)!

Lark said...

Thanks for a lovely day! My jars are already being used in the pantry, and the lights look beautiful!
Allison x